Hanover synthetic Z+ saddle has a deep but comfortable latex padded seat
Mono flap with long girth straps and advanced technology tree made of special material
The knee rolls TM system are optional and replace the standard knee rolls present on Zaldi saddles
You can easily modify the position of the knee rolls according to your needs and desires but also to your horses
international dressage riders have been seduced by this innovative system
Zaldi offers this option for every saddle they make and offers an anatomic padding at the tip of the horse's shoulder, offering more freedom of movement but also less pressure points
This is a real advantage for horses with large shoulders
Zaldi offers the possibilty to modify the latex filling panels with wool filling
Zaldi is the reference, between Tradition and Technology!
Extra comfortable seat thanks to an inside dual layer of goma latex
Zaldi is the reference, between Tradition and Technology!
A Zaldi innovative exchangeable knee blocks system
A saddle but 3 knee blocks options available
Zaldi is the reference, between Tradition and Technology!
his is a brand new option that Zaldi is offering.
the padding can be multi positioned and can be modified.
you can add this option when ordering a 2G saddle