The MATTES range offers a multitude of saddle pads shapes, colors and options.
The CORRECT SYSTEM offers 12 points of readjustements
Fully customisable!
You can compose your pad according to your desires and match the rest of your equipment.
The New Back on Track® Dressage or jumping Saddle cloth No 1 are specially designed for a comfort fit, with high wither, girth strap fixing straps and generous sizing. Made from robust cotton/polyester lined with the revolutionary Welltex™ ceramic infused fabric. When riding with the Saddle Pad, the horse's back muscles relax and warm up quickly. The body responds positively to the far infrared wave, increasing circulation which can aid mobility and help avoid injury. The gentle warmth induces blood flow, which helps relieve muscle tension and improves suppleness of the back.
Haf saddle shape dressage pad
Can be used for both endurance and dressage
Comes with a 2 cm shock absorber
Dim: 59X62cm
Composition: saddle side: Dry sec
Horse side: simpanova
Brand new!!!
Classic and simple with a perfect cut, this dressage saddle cloth will be perfect for an everyday use