OFFICINALIS Butterfly marigold hoof ointment


Hydrating and soothing ointment, ideal for the coronet band and for dry hooves, especially during a hot summer and in dry climates.

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 Product contains marigold oil, Shea butter, rice oil, and microspheres containing L-cysteine, keratin and avocado oil.

Rich in marigold extract in water and in oil. Active ingredients in marigold promote growth of epidermal tissue, and are well-absorbed by the coronet band. Also contains Vitamin E. Marigold favours skin growth, so it helps the skin tissues in the hoof. Apply to coronet band.
Ingredients: GM-free soy oil, marigold extract in water, Shea butter, avocado oil, sunflower oil, rice oil, glyceryl stearate, marigold oil, beeswax, vegetal glycerin, cetyl alcohol, keratin, L-cysteine, orange essential oil, Vitamin H, tangerine essential oil, Vitamin E and Benzyl Alcohol

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